Sunday, April 28, 2013

MYE Preparation

Haven't blogged for quite a while, so just gonna add this tiny post to fill the void.

Mid-Year Examinations are next week, and I feel like I'm going full steam ahead... into an abyss.

I've only started studying seriously like a month before. I honestly don't feel confident at all about my Chemistry, A-Maths and Physics. Plus, with Chinese Os almost right after the exams, things look really bleak ಥ_ಥ

Having said that, my grades have been improving and I'm not gonna let this demotivate me. Like my teachers said, MYE for Secondary 4 is like a mass-fail event. Everything now, every failure and mistake, are lessons we should learn from and we shouldn't let these be dead-weights that pull us down. If you're reading this and you're taking the O'Level Examinations this year, don't give up. 7 months are enough for you to catch up.

Lots of big talk, but will I walk the talk? We'll see. Peace!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Speech Day 2013

Lo and behold, Temasek's 32nd Speech Day 2013!

Although being a formal awards ceremony for academic and CCA achievements, it is more commonly known as "CCA stand-down" and "Council stand-down". These mean that on Speech Day, the graduating batch will not be officially involved in their co-curricular activities and student leadership anymore.

And that, no matter how much spare time it frees up for all our studies, is really heart-breaking. :'(

Here are most of the pictures I have from this day. The various dedications I have to each group has been depicted in the post "Recapture".

Friday, April 19, 2013

SYF Arts Presentation 2013

It's over!

All these months of hard work and toiling has paid off. Last Friday(12/4/2013), the Temasek Chorale managed to pull off their best shot ever on stage for the Arts Presentation at SOTA, and we leave feeling sated and content :D Our setpiece "Singapore, Our Home" was absolutely musical and "Night in the Woods" was pure magic. Our last piece, "The Crown of Sang Nila" was the cherry on top; it definitely had enough power to make a lasting impression.

Listen to the audio here.

Anyway, here are a fraction of the pics as I had for the event.

I'll never forget the times we had in preparation for this big day choir. You guys have left a giant footprint on my heart. Truckloads of love for each and every one of you :) WE SING AS ONE.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


re·cap·ture (r-kpchr)
tr.v. re·cap·tured, re·cap·tur·ing, re·cap·tures
1. To capture again.
2. To acquire by the government procedure of recapture.
3. To recall: an attempt to recapture the past.

It's been a real long journey since I first stepped into Temasek. Long, arduous and painstakingly difficult. But infinitesimally rewarding.

Since I joined the Temasek Chorale. Since I joined Student Council. Since I found XinYi and Marcus. All these experiences will be rooted in my head for life, for they made me grow up- in every sense of the word.

Everyone remember their first day in their CCA? I do. I remember Miss Ho(my ex-RSS choir Conductor), the then Conductor, and Mrs Soh Bhee Pheng(is that even how you spell it?) and her somewhat-caring nature, as both history and choir teacher-in-charge before she left TMS. Really ancient stuff. Miss them both! Then I started hanging with XY and Marc. That was the beginning to really fruitful friendships that I would cherish for life. XY would overload me with her daily dose of shitty Upper Secondary life- I was indirectly given crash-courses on the inner works of social society in school, became much more open-minded. Without her, I would have harbored a 10-year-old mindset till now. She made me go through way more than the typical annoying narrow-minded little rascal most kids my age would've been.

Am I opening up too much? Whatever.

Marcus would be there with me throughout both my junior years. We just chilled and laughed and had wild fun. We would have lunch at Siglap almost every day, and just talk about stuff. Those were the times indeed. Then there is Mr Darius Lim, my current TMSChorale Conductor. He's the kind of coolio, spiff korkor cousin everyone wants. Marc and I went out with him often enough, together with Doran! Haha. Memories. (^_^) Anyway, I took the choir under my wing when I was elected as Chairman. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't too difficult- but I would have shrank like a soaked sponge without my invincible wingmen Ruth and Doran. We leave our legacies behind when we step down, and I bring along with myself greater boldness, initiative and responsibility.

The short span of time I had spent in Student Council(3yrs++) was life changing. Adding to the great list of impacts XY already made on me, she was the one who diverted my decision to join Council instead of the Peer Support Leaders. Heck, I had even volunteered myself for most PSL events before the enrollment began. She convinced me that I was better suited for SCL. And I never ever regretted making that decision. In the end, I rose to the position of Vice-President. The best reward? Everything I had learnt there. Handling events, handling people, PR, everything. It's these kinds of things that remain in your heart and mind for life. I've made some very important friends in Council- Ariel, Nailah, Randy, Heng Kai, Fauzi- the list goes on- and some of the best memories ever. Oooooorahhh.

So this post was a huge insight into my personal history. Hope it sates any of your hunger for it anyway LOL. Haters gonnnna hate!

Peace ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

Sunday, April 14, 2013


So over these past few years life has been nice enough too me... I guess?

Life in secondary school does has its fair share of ups and downs. I remember what I was like in Lower Secondary. Utterly childish(maybe still am), narrow-minded and completely oblivious to the inner workings of social life. I shrugged off my responsibilities all the time and treated relationships like hand-held games. But there was the good. I forged some of the most important and heartwarming friendships ever in my life. I still miss the times when I would just hang out with my friends to play and completely relax, not having any problems to worry about. Studies? Pffft. Back then I was still getting decent grades. Social life? Seamless. When you're fourteen going on fifteen, and so forth to sixteen, you barely had to give a damn about betrayal, lies, scheming- the list goes on. Everyone(or at least most people) was content at least eighty-percent of the time.

I had my own list of eye-candies and infatuations too, sure. Back in those days we would always gossip and talk about any jewels we could find in the school. Sounds nasty, but we've all done that at least once ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then came Upper Secondary. It was like a great tsunami- it brought forth great change, and the one thing it's most famed for: a monolithic, flawlessly packaged, immaculately polished tidal wave of bullshit. (Make sure you add the stress on "bull"- makes it sound better)

People changed. And I'm not talking about bulging muscles, pubic hair or cup size. I'm talking about personality and character. Mixing around with new people and doing new things- it can do horrible things to people. Many of people grew detached, developed the wrong bonds with people, got backstabbed- I watched the whole cycle. Over the course of 2 years I saw many people throwing themselves into the deep ends of the abyss. Losing hope, losing their faith in life. People becoming complete As. We must all eventually learn to grow up- not in the sense that of cracking less childish jokes(One of my closest pals has the humor of an eight-year old)- but in the sense that we cannot harbor grudges for the most trivial reasons. I came across this line recently:

Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the price of energy and the waste of headspace.

Just spare some of your time and think about it.
That's all for a quick wrap-up of my mental being throughout these years. There's so much to talk about, but I think I'll end this post here for now.


Just got back to Blogger! Been almost 4 years since I last posted in my old Blog.

So I was casually re-reading it. Having started it in 2008 its contents are... aged..? Does that even make sense? LOL anyway I felt that its URL was just plain ugly and things needed a fresh start anyway. It's been more than 3 years since I last posted in it so I'll have some catching up to do as well.

My friend Min Zhe and I were just derping around and reading others' blogs when the notion of remaking one came to my mind. Then I thought, "Why the hell not?". So I spent quite a long time coming up with the URL and stuff. I'm really particular about such things >:[ I settled with "Carousel Of Wolves" because wolves are synonymous with my name, which actually means "Shield Wolf". And carousel because... why the hell not? XD

The designs will vary over time, that's for sure! Like I said, I'm very particular about this kind of custom modification stuff. Maybe I'll have pictures, or fantasy art, or a mix of both. Yay :'D

This is just an introduction, there won't be any real-time posts yet but I'll start that soon enough! Stay tuned (✌゚∀゚)☞